Sunday, Feb. 24th,
DI Back Hall
In support of REDI, Renewable Energy on Denman Island, the community vegan potluck series is planning to show an award winning 2007 Nova documentary, all about solar power. Any extra donations will go towards supporting REDI’s initiative to outfit our community hall with solar panels. “Saved by the Sun” is a fascinating, exciting film you won’t want to miss!
And YES, it has arrived on time for showing this Sunday...we were a little concerned it had been held up at the border but our worries are over now! For further information about this fabulous documentary, visit . I'll also post the url for a sneak preview of the film under the Links column on the right hand side of this potluck blogspot.
For those who can afford to help this fundraiser along, we're encouraging a $5 donation for tonite's screening, but as always it's 'pay what you can'. If you can't make it for dinner but still want to see the film, the best time to show up is probably around 7:30pm. Not that we would want to discourage anyone from enjoying a great vegan community meal that helps reduce our collective ecological footprint!
As always, our event is designated scent free for the comfort of chemically sensitive individuals. Thanks for your support!