The Scoop on Soy
Controversial reports about soy have left many people confused about what to believe. If you are concerned about the safety of soy food products, or are simply curious to learn more about this excellent source of dietary nutrition, bring your questions to Denman Island's next community vegan potluck event, Sunday, April 20th.
After dinner, Denman author and vegan chef Bryanna Clark Grogan along with Shin Meido Miso's Susan-Marie Yoshihara will be happy to share their considerable knowledge on soy in an informal discussion geared to separating fact from fiction.
As always, food lovers of every persuasion are invited to participate in Denman's amazing monthly smorgasbords. Nothing fancy required- any 100% vegan entree, salad, dessert, or single item dish (free of eggs, dairy, honey and gelatin, please) is a suitable contribution.
Dinner gets underway at 6:30 pm in the Community Hall, just a short trip up the hill from the ferry landing. Admission is by donation (suggested $3 towards expenses). The Denman Community Potluck Series strives to be a scent-free gathering, out of consideration for individuals with chemical sensitivities. Please visit our main webpage at http://www.fireweed.ca/ for additional information.