Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 21st, 2009

Summertime, and the livin' is easy... especially getting together for a fabulous meal that doesn't require anything fancy, because it's all about the sum of it's parts! That's one reason why our community vegan potlucks are enjoyed by food lovers of every persuasion. So don't be shy- come on out and take part in a deliious, 'slow' meal this weekend, on the longest day of the year. Gather with familiar faces and introduce yourself to new ones! Any 100% plant-based salad, etree, dessert, or single item dish that all may share (free of eggs, dairy, honey and gelatin) is a suitable contribution to ou eco-friendly smorgasbords.

Our Solstice supper will be a purely social event with no after-dinner presentation scheduled- just lots of time to enjoy a great meal, share news, and celebrate community. Children welcome! The potluck series is taking place just four times this year -once a season, so don''t miss out!

Admission is by donation towards expenses, and all events are designated 'scent-free,' to futher inclusivity. Call 1209 if you'd like further information. Our next gathering is scheduled for the Fall Equinox, September 20th.