Clayoquot Sound on the menu at Spring Equinox Potluck
Dan Lewis and Bonny Glambeck of Tofino are touring BC coastal communities this spring with a presentation called Secrets of Clayoquot Sound’. Come on out to hear these two seasoned naturalists and expedition sea kayakers at Denman's spring equinox Community Vegan Potluck scheduled for 6:30 pm, March 20th, in the Back Hall.
Dan and Bonny have paddled much of the BC coast. They'll be sharing stories about their many adventures at home in Clayoquot Sound, and show images from some of BC’s leading outdoor photographers.
Join these inspiring, longtime activists for an unforgettable journey through the natural beauty and splendor of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Learn about the ecology of the region’s globally significant ancient rainforests, and threats to that ecology including fish farms, logging and an open-pit copper mine proposal.