Thursday, November 22, 2012

WINTER SOLSTICE! Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012

Come celebrate Winter Solstice with your fellow islanders at this season's Community Vegan Potluck scheduled for Saturday (NOT Sunday!), December 22nd at 6:30 pm in the Back Hall. As always, food lovers of every persuasion are invited to join in on our delicious, turkey-free holiday smorgasbord. After dinner we gather round the blazing Yule-fire to celebrate both the nurturing darkness of winter’s respite and the promise of returning light with carols appropriate to the solstice season!

Any 100% plant-based dinner entrée, salad, dessert, or single item dish that all may share (excluding dairy, eggs, honey and gelatin, please) is a suitable contribution for this animal-friendly feast. Begun in the mid 90's, Denman's community vegan potluck series provides the delicious opportunity to pick up creative, and healthy new recipe ideas. However, nothing fancy is required unless you are so inspired!

Please include an ingredient list with your offering, and thankyou for attending 'scent-free' to help keep our inclusive community gatherings accessible for folks with chemical sensitivities. Admission is by donation (suggested $3 towards expenses). Peace to one and all!

Monday, September 17, 2012

next potluck Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

CANCELLED: The Community Vegan Potluck scheduled for Sunday, September 23rd.

Without the Grapevine operating in September for advertising outreach, we decided not to try and reschedule this event. Social media reaches only a small number of Denman islanders, so thankyou for informing anyone you know who was looking forward to the Community Vegan Fall Equiinox feast about this cancellation. 

Our public potluck series has always welcomed 'food lovers of every persuasion'. If you are a vegan, or you are a vegetarian or omnivore moving in that direction who appreciates the vegan message we're still here to offer you support and community outside of potluck gatherings!

 We know how hard it can be sometimes to find that support, especially in a rural community like our own where some folks remain extremely threatened by the prospects of an animal-free diet, or activism that seeks to move towards a world that thinks differently about our relationship to animals.

Plans are still in the works for a public vegan potluck Winter Solstice gathering that will once again promote reducing our ecological footprints, unnecessary harm to animals, and improving personal and community health by embracing a plant-based diet!  

Thankyou to everyone who cares and has expressed their support for the Denman Island Community Vegan Potluck Series by attending in the past! Please watch here for updates…we'll be gathering again before you know it for another awesome feast! 


An interesting note for those who will be eating low on the food chain already this coming weekend, or who could use additional inspiration: 

Portland Mayor Declares Vegan Awareness Weekend

Mayor Sam Adams has proclaimed September 22–23 Vegan Awareness Weekend in the City of Roses, encouraging residents to enjoy vegan fare.
In an official declaration, Portland, OR Mayor Sam Adamsproclaimed the weekend of September 22 to 23, 2012, to be Vegan Awareness Weekend in the City of Roses. The document cites scientific findings from the likes of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN Environmental Program, and the American Dietetic Association offering conclusive evidence on livestock’s contribution to climate change, a vegan diet's potential prevention of world hunger and fuel shortages, and the abundant health advantages associated with a plant-based lifestyle. In addition, the proclamation notes that delicious and nutritious vegan alternatives to animal products are readily available, and Adams says that he “encourage[s] all residents to observe this weekend by eating delicious vegan meals.”

Monday, June 18, 2012

Friday, June 29th - Vegan Dine-out!

       Instead of our traditional Summer Solstice potluck this year, you are invited to share a delicious organic meal in the Back Hall featuring homemade veggie burgers, savory summer potato salad, tasty desserts, and a refreshing beverage as part of 'Food for Thought'! This particular Sustainability Festival event takes place on Friday, June 29th, and is a joint offering of the Denman Island Veganiculture Association, and the Community Vegan Potluck Series. The dine-out precedes both a local guest speaker and a film just in from the UK, also addressing the topic of food and sustainability. Everyone is invited to drop by for these presentations, regardless of wherever they plan to dine for supper!

      'Food for Thought!' is not a veg dine-out taking place as a fundraiser (like others you may have enjoyed or heard about), but does require a reservation so we know how many folks to prepare food for. We're keeping the cost low at $5-$10 per person ( sliding scale) with all proceeds simply going towards covering expenses. Thanks for supporting this particular opportunity to recognize the inter-relationship between local and global food sustainability issues during the Festival, if you are so inclined! Dinner will start at 6:00 pm- a little later than the beef barbecue also happening on the same evening at the Senior's Hall ( a completely seperate, but related event).

      In concert with the Sustainability Festival's agricultural theme on June 29th, SPUDS potato co-op will have a small display in the Back Hall. 'Food for Thought!' diners and others are also sure to appreciate islander Rudy Friesen's brief presentation addressing the importance of what we eat, relative to concerns about food miles. Finally, 'Making the Connections' is a thirty minute documentary from Environmental Films that explores a few of the reasons for practising or transitioning towards dietary choices less dependent on animal-based agriculture- the leading cause of GHG emissions worldwide. The film also highlights the growing movement in stock-free growing as an important contribution to local and global food security.

Please take a look at the many links right here on this blog (column to your right) that address these important topics. Call 250-335-1209 to reserve your meal or for further information, and see you there- 6 pm (NOT the usual 6:30 pm time we normally dine at with the  regular potluck series!) Thanks for helping keep this event 'scent-free' for the comfort of those with chemical sensitivities.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012



Spring is on it's way…come celebrate the upcoming Equinox with friends, family and neighbours at Denman's Community Vegan Potluck Series, on Sunday, March 18th!

As always, food lovers of every persuasion are invited. Four times a year the potluck series provides a wonderful opportunity to meet new folks and share a delicious meal accessible to all. Any 100% plant-based salad, entree, dessert or single item dish is a suitable contribution to our animal-friendly smorgasbords (excluding gelatin, honey, eggs and dairy, please). Nothing fancy required, unless you are so inspired! Please include an ingredient list with your contribution, and feel free to call for ideas or assistance.

2012 marks the 27th anniversary of "Meatout" - an international observance dedicated to advancing the joys and benefits of a plant-based diet on or around the Spring Equinox each year. Since it's inception in 1985, "Meatout" has grown to become the world's largest grassroots healthy diet campaign. To celebrate the occassion, Denman's potluck series is pleased to present the award-winning Best Documentary at last September's Toronto Independent Film Festival. 

"Vegucated" is a feature-length film that follows three meat and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. There's Brian, the pro-bacon bachelor who eats out all the time, Ellen, the single mom who prefers comedy to cooking, and Tesla, the college student who avoids vegetables and bans beans. Part sociological experiment, part science class, and part adventure story, "Vegucated" showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three very different people who come together to share one journey and ultimately discover their own individual paths towards a kinder, cleaner, and greener world, one bite at a time.

Dinner gets underway at 6:30 pm, and admission is by donation. Thanks for attending 'scent-free' for the comfort of chemically-sensitive folks in our community who also look forward to sharing great food and company at our potlucks. For further information, visit or call 335-1209.